WV Citizen Action Group
Action Alert

November 2

 Alert Archive

OH’s Public Workers & Heath Care Reform need our help!

Make calls from home to get out the vote in OH!

You’ve probably heard about Ohio’s SB 5 that took away nurses', firefighters' and teachers' most basic collective bargaining rights. In addition, Ohio wants to ‘opt out’ of the Affordable Care Act when so many lack health care coverage!

Ohio needs our help getting out the vote for next Tuesday’s and with a new internet tool you can help right from home!

Can you spend 10-20 minutes making 5-10 calls this week or weekend?

It’s easy and it will make a huge difference. You’ll be using the latest, state of the art “Activiate” computer-based system that dials the calls for you – all you need is a phone and a computer linked to the internet. This is the system we hope to have available here in WV for the 2012 elections so it will be a good training experience in getting ready for the big one!

The message is simple:

Just say “NO” to Issues # 2 &  # 3 on November 8th!

Ohio voters can repeal SB 5 by showing up at the polls on November 8th  and voting NO on Issue # 2. Urge voters to vote NO on Issue # 2.

Issue # 3 would allow Ohio to ‘opt out’ of the Affordable Care Act and threaten a wide range of current Ohio health programs, practices and policies. Ask voters to vote NO on Issue  # 3.

Here’s how it works.  Youneed a computer on the internet and a phone (cell phones will work), then:

1.) Call us for the username and password to get into the Activate System (see numbers below).

2.) Go to this page and download the Activate software:


Thanks go to the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) - the operator of this on-line, virtual phone bank campaign. (Please note: The SEIU Activate campaign is setup to target Issue #2 but we’re asking our callers to also mention Issue #3 and vote no on both.)

For more info on Issue # 2 see www.weareohio.com

For Issue # 3 see www.votenoissue3.com

Please e-mail Lisa Diehl at  lisadiehl@zoominternet.net or 304-482-6311 to get the password and username and she can help you get set up to make some calls. Alternately, contact Gary Zuckett at garyz@wvcag.org or 304-346-5891 to get the info.

Thanks in advance for helping Ohio to push-back against this Wisconsin style anti-worker legislation.

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