Ask Congressmen Rahall and
Mollohan to Say NO to a Blank Check for Iraq War
Democrats were given a mandate last November to stand up to
President Bush and find a way to end the war in Iraq.
Instead, Congress is poised to pass a bill which would give the
White House over $70 billion in additional Pentagon funding for
Iraq and Afghanistan and only an $11 billion increase for
critically needed domestic programs. And here's the best
part..... the President has said he will veto this bill because
it spends too much on domestic programs. Yet Democrats
are still willing to cave in.
It's time for the Democratic Congress to stand up to the
White House. Please call Reps. Rahall and Mollohan and
tell them:
This deal is unacceptable.
Don't give the President a blank check for this endless Iraq
war. We need investments in our domestic priorities, but
not at this price.
Now is the time for
leadership. Support your base, not the president. Oppose
any additional funding for the war that does not include a
timeline and a date certain to bring the troops home.
3. Vote
against this omnibus bill. However, even if you vote for
it, we strongly urge you to vote ‘no’ when the bill comes
back from the Senate with no strings attached to Iraq war
You can reach our West Virginia representatives by calling
202-225-3452 (Rep. Rahall) and 202-225-4172 (Rep.