WV Citizen Action Group
Action Alert

August 4
 Alert Archive

First Friday Tomorrow/Public Meetings on Energy Efficiency

First Friday

Tomorrow is First Friday at CAG. Stop by after work to start your weekend! BYOB and a snack to share. For more information, call us at 304-346-5891.


Real Solutions to Rising Electric Rates

Our pockets feel it - electricity rates are rising.  What's really happening and what can you do about it?

Energy Efficient West Virginia is hosting a series of public meetings this summer and fall in collaboration with the Coalition for Reliable Power to discuss why electricity rates are rising and how citizens can take action for real solutions.  What if the electric utility FirstEnergy (Mon Power and Potomac Edison) helped more citizens to become energy efficient, rather than making citizens pay for the cost of electric waste and new power plants?  We invite you to discuss how the Public Service Commission sets electric rates and how we can voice our demand for stronger energy efficiency programs from FirstEnergy.

*Dates and Locations:*

*Martinsburg*: August 23, 7pm (doors open at 6:45), Martinsburg-Berkeley Public Library (101 West King St., Martinsburg)

*Lewisburg*: August 31, 7pm, Lewisburg City Hall

*Morgantown*: TBA

Light refreshments served at all meetings!

*Questions?* Email energyefficientwestvirginia@gmail.com.

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