WV Citizen Action Group
Action Alert

November 30
 Alert Archive

Who Pays: Millionaires or the Middle Class? Canvas at the Town Center

West Virginia Citizen Action Group, AFSCME Council 77, the United Mine Workers and other labor and progressive groups will be canvassing around the Charleston Town Center tomorrow to let Senator Manchin know that West Virginians want a fair budget.  As congress continues to negotiate a budget deal, we need Senator Manchin to fight hard for the programs that benefit West Virginia's working families. We can't afford cuts to Medicaid, Social Security, Head Start and other resources vital to our state's future.  We need you to help us let Senator Manchin know that those who have done well in America must do right by Americans.

If you are in the Charleston area, please join us tomorrow, December 1st.  We will convene at 10:00am in the AFL-CIO building (501 Leon Sullivan Way), and will set up our canvas at the Brawley Walkway (across Court St. from the Charleston Town Center) from 11:00am - 2:00pm.  We will be collecting postcards to deliver to Senator Manchin. Feel free to come for all or part of the time.

If you aren't in the Charleston area, you can still help by volunteering to write a Letter to the Editor or Op-Ed for your local newspaper. WVCAG can help provide you with information, sample letters, editing and publication help.  Please contact maggie@wvcag for more information, you can learn more by visiting Americans for Tax Fairness.

You can also give Senator Manchin a call (304.342.5955) with a simple message: Let the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest 2% expire and fight against cuts to programs that benefit working families. The wealthiest Americans must pay their fair share. If you do make a call, please let us know by sending an email to maggie@wvcag.org.



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