WV Citizen Action Group
Action Alert
April 2
 Alert Archive


 VERY IMPORTANT! Please Attend Rally Protesting Supreme Court McCutcheon 
Decision! Today at 5pm!

What: Protest of the Supreme Court's McCutcheon v. FEC decision

When: Wednesday April 2nd @ 5:00 PM

Where: WV State Capitol in Charleston, 2nd floor Rotunda near Robert Byrd statue

Who: WV Citizen Action, West Virginians for Democracy, and other community groups

West Virginia Citizen Action Group and other labor and social justice organizations will rally at the Robert Byrd statue in the WV State Capitol at5 p.m. to protest the latest Supreme Court decision allowing virtually unlimited campaign spending by corporations and wealthy individuals.

In today's McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commision decision, the Supreme Court permitted individuals to donate up to $5.9 million per election cycle to political candidates and parties. Until today, the limit was $123,000.

The 2010 Citizens United decision allowed Big Business to spend literally as much as it wants — predominantly in undisclosed contributions filtered through the groups like Karl Rove’s Crossroads GPS and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce — to influence our elections. And it allowed billionaires like the Koch Brothers and Sheldon Adelson to funnel unlimited sums through super PACs and other “dark money” conduits.

Now McCutcheon removes meaningful restraints on direct giving to candidates. After today, really wealthy people can write a single check for almost $6 million to party leaders — who will in turn filter the funds to candidates and committees — to elect people who will do their bidding.

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 More Women and Water Sessions Coming Up

Thursday, April 3rd

(Hosted by BMEEK Community Outreach, Inc)

First Baptist Church, 432 Shrewsbury St, Charleston -- downstairs conference room 

Thursday, April 10th

Putnam County Commission, Committee Chambers, 3389 Winfield Road, Winfield 

7:00-9:00 p.m. (reception at 6:30 p.m.)

Free and open to all women and families.

These events are co-sponsored by WV FREE, People Concerned About Chemical Safety, WV Citizens Actively Protecting the Environment,  Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition, WV Citizen Action Group, and WV Healthy Kids & Families.

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