Upcoming Events


Register Today for Black Policy Day 2024!

Black Policy Day (BPD) is a transformative event held annually at the Capitol in West Virginia. It is much more than a single-day gathering. It represents a powerful movement that aims to address policy issues affecting Black communities in West Virginia and foster cooperative and united communities

Registration for 2024’s Black Policy Day at the West Virginia State Capitol on February 7, 2024 is open! Visit givebutter.com/BPD2024 to register for a free ticket or to support Black Policy Day with a donation or by becoming a sponsor.

Visit the new Black Policy Day website blackpolicydaywv.org to learn more and stay up to date on all things Black Policy Day.


Join Us for Environmental Day at the WV Capitol

You’re invited to Environmental Day (E-Day) at the WV State Capitol on Tuesday, February 13, from 9 am – 2 pm! E-Day is a chance to see the legislature at work, visit and tour the Capitol, meet environmental groups and advocate for our legislative priorities.

In addition to exhibits from environmental groups, E-Day will include a rally with advocates and legislators to discuss critical environmental issues and promote legislation.

See highlights and coverage from last year’s E-Day here. Please join us on February 13 to build our momentum and make a difference! Register today!