About WV CAG

cag1984Since 1974, West Virginia Citizen Action Group (WV CAG) has advocated for better public policy, rights of individuals, a clean environment, and a stronger democratic process.

The philosophy of WV CAG is that full-time citizen participation in the decision-making processes of our state is absolutely essential. Our staff and members work to increase the voice of the average citizen in public affairs through research, education, lobbying, organizing and coalition building – speaking out on behalf of the consumer, speaking out in defense of a cleaner environment, and speaking out in favor of a government that is honest, open, and accountable to the needs of all its citizens. We work to empower individuals by providing them with resources to be effective advocates on issues that affect/impact their lives.



What we do:


Quality, affordable healthcare for all
That’s why we worked for the passage of the Affordable Care Act and support its continued implementation, expansion, and improvement.

Responsible budgeting and fair taxation
Growing income inequality weakens our nation and our state. Millionaires and corporations should pay their fair share of taxes so that our state and country can invest in infrastructure, education, healthcare and economic security for our families.

A healthy environment
From original research that contributed to the passage of landmark environmental laws at the federal level to the founding of the West Virginia Environmental Council and efforts to pass major bills on groundwater, recycling, solid waste, incineration, nuclear waste, and hazardous waste at the state level, WV CAG has been a leader in the movement to protect our land, air, and water.

Government accountability and transparency
We work in coalition to create accountability and transparency in elections through reforms such as public financing and full disclosure of the source of all political spending. Without robust disclosure and public financing for legislative races, our government will continue to be subject to the undue influence of special interests.