AEP Rate Hikes – Not Done Yet!

By Dani Parent, WV CAG Organizing Director

CHARLESTON, WV — Thursday, August 15, 2024. WV Citizen Action Group protest at Appalachian Power headquarters during the Utility Justice Week of Action. Photo by Rebecca Kiger | Survival Media Agency

West Virginia Citizen Action has been fighting Appalachian Power’s proposed rate hikes, which would increase bills for all customers by around 18% for residential and 20-25% for schools and churches. These hikes put an unfair burden on West Virginia families struggling to make ends meet and on the institutions we rely on for community care.

While Appalachian Power claims they need more money for fuel and infrastructure, we’ve pushed back, highlighting that energy efficiency and renewables could lower costs and make the state’s energy future more sustainable. None of this should fall on ratepayers who are dependent on this service and struggling.

You may have seen the news that the PSC dismissed the case—not because they rejected the rate increases but because of some issues with AEP’s paperwork in the filing. Don’t celebrate yet, though. Appalachian Power will likely refile the case soon with the same percentage hikes.

WV CAG will keep fighting when this case comes back and continue intervening in other related cases. We need Appalachian Power to invest in clean energy and efficiency, not just raise rates on struggling families. We’ll ramp up public education and outreach efforts to prepare for the next round of hearings and work to ensure West Virginians don’t get stuck with higher bills.

Want to help? Stay tuned for updates, get involved in our campaigns, and join us in holding Appalachian Power accountable. We can protect West Virginia ratepayers and push for a fairer energy future.

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