Barbara Fleischauer honored with Rockefeller Award

by Mindy Salango, Healthcare Organizer

Members of WVCAG were recently on hand to celebrate as former Delegate Barbara Fleischauer was honored at the Charleston Women’s Club with the West Virginians for Affordable Healthcare Rockefeller award. This distinguished award was given to Barbara in recognition of her lifetime of tireless work improving access to healthcare for West Virginians.  

“Barbara Fleischauer served in the WV House of Delegates for over 20 years, where she sponsored and passed important legislation protecting the rights of women and children; expanding health care; advancing civil rights; and improving benefits for veterans and disabled Mountaineers,” said Ellen Allen, executive director of West Virginians for Affordable Health Care.

Just a few of Barbara’s most notable achievements include capping insulin copays, increasing access to medical care in rural West Virginia, increasing funding and insurance coverage for children with autism, and creating the Office of Oral Health. She’s now working with a national organization on GOTV on university campuses across the country. We expect we haven’t seen the last of Barbara at the statehouse.

Gary, Mindy, and Kim were honored to be at the event to celebrate one of West Virginia’s greatest healthcare heroes. Thank you, Barbara, for your work, and congratulations on such a well deserved award!


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