Capital Eye Vol. 17 No. 3

Week four has seen the introduction of 1,388 bills in the House and 613 in the Senate as of today, Jan. 31, 2024. The last day to introduce bills in the House is Feb. 13 (which is also E-Day) and in the Senate the cutoff for new bills is Feb. 19. These dates can’t come too soon as every day more pile on. We’re talking with legislators all the time about bills we support and oppose, but when they hear from the voters back home, they really pay attention! This is where your actions as a citizen can make a difference! As you read through this update take a few minutes to send a personal note to your legislators on issues that resonate with you. Find them here. Another way you can make a difference is to become a supporting member of Citizen Action. Thanks to all who have done so already!

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