Fighting Runaway Inequality Workshop

Event Details

The U.S. is an increasingly unequal society: the average CEO makes nearly 800 times more than the average worker, and the wealthiest 1% of households own 40% of the wealth. It is impossible to have a functioning democracy when so few people control so much wealth.

Join us for a free workshop with Les Leopold, director of the Labor Institute and author of “Runaway Inequality,” to explore what inequality has to do with our current political situation and how people across the political spectrum can find common cause to fight for a fair economy. Click here to register.

What: Workshop: Fighting Runaway Inequality

When: Sunday, May 19th, 2-4pm

Where: Temple Israel (2312 Kanawha Blvd E, Charleston)

Co-sponsored by: Rise Up WV, WV Center on Budget and Policy, WV Working Families Party, Communications Workers of America, WV Healthy Kids and Families Coalition, WV Citizen Action Group,  and American Friends Service Committee

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