Citizen Civic Engagement Training (Virtual)
– February 4th from 5:00-7:00 PM Virtual Training
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Meeting ID: 854 1491 5289
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Join Health Care for All WV for Virtual Citizen Civic Engagement Training!
FEB 4th 5PM
2020 has been… Something else. We’ve all felt it & we’re all feeling it now: isolation, loss, anxiety & struggle.
Maybe you’re tired. Or maybe you’re fired up. Maybe you’re looking to see where you fit in the fight for a better WV.
Consider looking here. The Health Care for All WV team fights for quality, affordable healthcare for all West Virginians. We believe that healthcare IS a fundamental human right. We’re surviving a pandemic. Every single one of us deserves affordable & accessible healthcare NOW.
The changes we need won’t come without grassroots support. That is, real, everyday people demanding from their state representatives what they need to make their lives better.
If you want to be part of the fight, join us for our 2021 Citizen Civic Engagement Training on Feb 4th from 5-7 PM, where we’ll be discussing the healthcare policies we’re fighting for & strategies to make those policies a reality. These training sessions are free & virtual. Mark your calendars.
Talking to your representative might sound intimidating if you’ve never done it, but they’re just people who work for YOU. You can do this. You can help make important changes in our state.
If you want to be a part of the fight right away, or just want to learn more about being a citizen activist, like our Health Care For All WV Facebook page, and like/join any of these regional pages and groups. We look forward to hearing from you.
– Health Care For All WV:
– HC4A – Cabell:
– HC4A – Cabell Volunteers:
– HC4A Kanawha Volunteers:
– HC4A Wood:
We look forward to hearing from you. For more information, visit our website at
The Health Care for All WV Team