The Legislature’s Joint Committee on Redistricting is hosting a series of public hearings around the state to allow West Virginians to weigh in on the process of redrawing the boundaries of legislative and congressional districts. This often overlooked, yet important part of our electoral process happens every 10 years after the US Census to account for changes in population. The districts that are drawn this year will impact our lives for the next decade, and if they aren’t drawn fairly our communities will be left without representation and certain voices will be silenced. That’s why it’s important to come together to speak out on fair districting so that our communities are whole and have equal resources to meet our needs.
Each hearing will take place from 6 to 8 PM with doors opening at 5:30 PM to begin the sign-in process. Anyone who would like to be guaranteed an opportunity to speak during the hearings will need to be present to sign in by 6 PM.
Keyser hearing: Wednesday, August 18, Keyser VFD Station 2, 1550 Cornell St Keyser, WV 26726.
Full Hearing Schedule & Redistricting Information from the WV Legislature
Redistricting Information & Resources from the League of Women Voters of WV
Let’s take advantage of the hearings to let legislators know that when it comes to our districts, we want a transparent process we can trust, where communities remain whole and where voters have an equal voice.