WV Criminal Law Reform Coalition’s “Leading for Justice” Advocacy Day at the State Capitol

Event Details

On Wednesday, January 11th (first day of the 2023 legislative session) the West Virginia Criminal Law Reform Coalition is hosting a Legislative Breakfast (8 am to 9:30 am) and Day of Action (9:30 am – 12 pm at the State Capitol) in order to raise awareness of ongoing challenges of jail overcrowding and barriers to reentry, as well as the solutions they hope will gain the support of the WV Legislature. 

Coinciding with the first day of the 2023 legislative session, speakers at the breakfast will highlight policy priorities including restoring voting rights for people on community supervision and funding for transitional housing for people after incarceration. 

The breakfast will be live streamed via the event Facebook page.  

Featured speakers include Delegate Chris Pritt (R-Kanawha), Delegate Danielle Walker (D-Monongalia), as well as Danni Dineen with the City of Charleston, Patsy DiCesare with Religious Coalition for Community Renewal, Bev Sharp with WV REACH Initiative, and Danny Murphy with Right on Crime.

Following the breakfast, attendees will move to the WV State Capitol where they will meet with legislators and deliver postcards underscoring the coalition’s policy priorities. All members of the community are welcome and encouraged to join the Day of Action to advocate for policy changes including:

  • Restored voting rights for people on probation and parole;
  • Expanded transitional housing for people leaving incarceration;
  • Automatic expungement for qualifying criminal records;
  • Ending re-incarceration for technical violations and;
  • Increased community diversion to mental health care and treatment for substance use disorder.

Leading for Justice is sponsored by American Friends Service Committee, WV Center on Budget and Policy, REACH Initiative, National Association of Social Workers-WV, NAACP-WV, Appalachian Prison Book Project, and Laotong Yoga; and made possible through generous support from The Just Trust, The One Foundation, and Sisters Health Foundation.

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