You are invited to Local Food and Farms Day @ the Capitol on Feb 7th AND the Eve event @ Charleston Capitol Market on Feb 6th!
The West Virginia Food and Farm Coalition and partners would like to invite you to participate in:
Local Food and Farms Day @ the Capitol on February 7th! The event runs from 8:30-12 PM in the House Rotunda at the state Capitol Building.
In addition, you are invited to Local Food and Farms Day Eve event on February 6th at 6:30 PM at Charleston’s Capitol Market
Local Food and Farms Day
When: Tuesday, February @ 8:30-12 PM
Where: House Rotunda, WV State Capitol, 1900 Kanawha Blvd. East Charleston, WV.
This Event is designed as a way to show the strength and vibrancy of the local food and agricultural sector in WV. We schedule legislative meetings for those who wish to speak with Senators and Delegates, our partners come to share about their projects, we host food system demos, and WV Cooks makes us breakfast! This year we will focus our efforts on acquiring a line item for the SNAP Stretch program in the WV Department of Agriculture’s budget along with other agriculture-based nutrition programs.
Anyone who works or volunteers in this sector is invited to attend! The Coalition will even schedule legislative meetings on your behalf if you’d like to attend one. If this seems intimidating, don’t worry! We do it in teams and make sure that you have an experienced team leader to guide you through the process. We will even host a legislative advocacy training webinar on Zoom on February 1st at 6:30pm. Register for that webinar in advance here
8:00-8:30 Set Up for Food Systems Partners
8:30-11:00 Tabling, Food System Demonstration, Scheduled Legislative Meetings
11:00 AM Reading of a Resolution During Floor Session and Recognition
Local Food and Farms Day Eve
@ Charleston Capitol Market, 800 Smith Street Charleston, WV. Monday, February 6, 6:30 PM
This is a party! Farmers, food entrepreneurs, food systems partners, and legislators are invited to come, eat, drink, and enjoy local music! They encourage that this time be used to encourage those who work in food and agriculture to meet and mingle with legislators and share your challenges and opportunities.