Letter to Speaker Hanshaw: Video stream ALL committees to promote transparency and openness in the legislative process

This letter to WV Speaker Hanshaw from the WV House of Delegates Democratic Caucus asks for all committees to provide video streams, so as to promote transparency and openness in the legislative process.

February 13, 2020


The Honorable Roger Hanshaw, Speaker
West Virginia House of Delegates
1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East
Building 1, Room 228-M
Charleston, WV 25301

Dear Speaker Hanshaw:

In order to promote transparency and openness in the legislative process, we would
encourage you to video stream ALL committees, especially those meeting in the House
Chamber where we already have the capabilities, and look at installing live video feeds in
all committee rooms of the House of Delegates. We also encourage you to follow the
Senate’s lead in archiving floor videos, as well as creating an archive process for audio and
video recordings of committee meetings.

Our constituents have requested the video, knowing the committee meetings are only being
held in the two rooms, and they are aware that the video capability is available for the
House Chamber. Thank you for taking the time to review this matter so that we may let our
constituents know your decision.


WV House of Delegates Democratic Caucus


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