From our Partners at WV Center on Budget & Policy
The U.S. Congress is advancing a budget resolution that sets up massive cuts in federal funding for health care and SNAP (food assistance) — all to offset deep tax cuts for the country’s wealthiest households and businesses.
Our Senators & Representatives need to hear from us that cutting Medicaid & SNAP isn’t an option. Call on them to hold in-person town hall meetings during their recess!
West Virginia’s U.S. House members, Representatives Carol Miller and Riley Moore both voted to move forward the budget resolution, though they both reportedly told advocates that Medicaid wouldn’t be touched. But it will be nearly impossible for Congress to enact cuts of the size instructed without significant cuts to health care.
The budget resolution shows a stark picture of the current priorities of the U.S. House: the cost of extending tax cuts for households with incomes in the top 1 percent — $1.1 trillion through 2034 — equals roughly the same amount as the proposed potential cuts for health coverage under Medicaid and food assistance under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). It would shift massive costs to our state and to local charitable providers, which are already stretched thin.
The good news is that all members of our federal delegation will have another chance to vote on the budget before any cuts to Medicaid, SNAP, or education funding are finalized. But we need to make sure they hear from residents who rely on these programs.
We need to call on them to hold an in-person town hall the week of March 17th with both the Senate and House in recess. Call on them to meet with West Virginians who’d be impacted by cuts to Medicaid, SNAP, and other vital programs.
Three Steps You Can Take Right Now to Protect Health Care and Food Assistance
1. Call your U.S. House representative’s office and ask them to hold a town hall during March recess. Not sure who your U.S. House member is? Find out here.
Contact Information
Rep. Riley Moore
(202) 225-2711 (DC office) or (304) 350-6987 (District office)
Rep. Carol Miller
(202) 225-3452 (DC office) or (681) 945-6556 (District office)
Sample Script
My name is ______________ and I live in _________________. I was very concerned by Representative Miller/Moore’s vote on the House budget resolution and I am calling on him/her to meet with West Virginians who would be impacted by cuts to Medicaid and SNAP by holding an in-person public town hall during the March recess.
2. Call both of your U.S. Senators and ask them to reject any cuts to Medicaid and SNAP food assistance. U.S. Senators represent the full state, so you are represented by both and can/should contact both!
Contact information
Senator Shelley Moore Capito
(202) 224-6472 (DC office)
Senator Jim Justice
202-224-3954 (DC office)
Sample Script
My name is __________________ and I live in ___________________. The House budget would be very harmful for West Virginians and our economy, and violates President Trump’s commitment to lowering costs for residents by increasing health care and food costs for many families. I am asking Senator _______ to reject ANY cuts to Medicaid or SNAP.
3. Post on social media, tagging YOUR U.S. House member and U.S. Senators with the hashtag #WVRecessTownHall, calling on them to hold a town hall with constituents during the March recess. Our Town Hall Toolkit has sample social media posts and graphics you can use to pressure our federal delegation to hold in-person town halls during the March recess.