Tell Senator Capito to Pass the Pandemic Relief Bill

Call Senator Capito Today and Join Our Action!

Tell her to #PassPandemicRelief!

Despite soaring food insecurity and thousands of West Virginians struggling with months long unemployment, the United States Senate decided to adjourn for 4 weeks.

Congress has taken no action to support families struggling with the threat of eviction, lack of healthcare and inability to put food on the table due to the pandemic driven recession. Meanwhile, the USPS and our right to vote are still under attack.

Dismantling the USPS harms millions of Americans who rely on the mail to receive their prescription medications, paychecks, SNAP and unemployment benefits; to pay their rent and utilities, to run their small businesses, and so much more.

Call the regional office of Senator Shelley Moore Capito closest to you today and let her know it’s time to get back to work. Congress must pass a package to support West Virginia’s communities, families, and the USPS, including:

  • Immediate extension of recently expired unemployment benefits vital to keeping our friends and neighbors from getting evicted and our economy stable
  • Protections for our democracy and the right to vote with expanded opportunities to vote during this crisis
  • An increased Medicaid match to help states cover increased health care costs for sick residents and displaced workers
  • Full funding of the U.S. Postal Service
  • Additional state and local fiscal relief funds that West Virginia can use to close revenue shortfalls, preserving public services, infrastructure, and jobs for tens of thousands of West Virginians
  • Protection of vote by mail in every state
  • An increase in the maximum SNAP benefit by 15 percent
  • Expanded census to ensure every person is counted and valued
  • All relief measures, including unemployment insurance expansions, increased SNAP benefits, and increased Medicaid match, should last until the economy and labor market recovers

You can also Join Us In Action, or as a Member, in our efforts to fight for voter rights, health care, a clean environment, and social justice.


Senator Shelley Moore Capito, regional offices


Charleston 304.347.5372

Martinsburg 304.262.9285

Morgantown 304.292.2310

Beckley 304.347.5372