The Importance Of Self-Care During This Turbulent Time

By Mindy Holcomb, WV CAG Healthcare Organizer

A lot is happening, and it’s happening swiftly and at an almost violent pace. I can’t keep caught up on all that is going on without risking what vestiges of my sanity I have left. The past two months have been a lot to cope with. This is on top of the fact that many, if not most of us, are struggling to survive day in and day out as it is. My job to keep you informed and updated on everything happening in DC and under our dome in Charleston, but right now, I need a moment to regroup—just as I’m sure you do.

Part of staying engaged in this work is realizing when to stop and take a breath. They want us overwhelmed, they want us desperate, they want us shaken to our core. We must resist the urge to give in to that. Trust me, that’s not an easy thing to do. Most mornings, when I read my emails and the news, I want to crawl under my covers and hibernate for the next 4 years. Just get me when it’s over. But now, more than ever, we need one another and our communities.  

So, how do we take care of ourselves and remain in the proper headspace for this fight? My number one pro tip is therapy! However, I know not everyone has the luxury of that service because of the mental healthcare crisis in our country. So, what is the next available solution?  Community! 

I’m not only speaking about our organizing and activist communities. I’m talking about communities surrounding your hobbies. For instance, I taught myself to crochet by watching YouTube videos a couple of years ago because I was constantly anxious and needed something to do with my hands. A skein of yarn and a hook were inexpensive, and I could create something. I started off making coasters, practicing my stitches. (We have some ugly coasters!  LOL). Now, I’m making beautiful blankets, hats, and scarves and venturing into new projects all the time, given my new confidence in the craft.  

Not only am I making things to make me happy, but I’m also making things that can benefit my community. I can donate the items I make to keep our unhoused community warm. There are local meet-ups here in Morgantown for fiber artists to show off their latest projects and get help from more experienced artists. It is a space to enjoy the company of others while doing something you enjoy, and you need to find your people! Our oldest daughter is not into crafting and enjoys going to silent book club meetings. She can sit and read a book and then discuss it later in the session if she chooses to. It allows her to engage at the level she can that day.  

What types of activities bring you joy, relaxation, and peace? Embrace those! Share those activities with others. Invite your friends to participate in them with you. They just might be looking for something to help them decompress as well. When you have given your spirit some care, you can keep fighting the good fight with us!  

When you are ready, we will be here with our monthly Healthcare Committee meetings.  We also have a special information session for those affected by cuts to Medicaid.  You can register to join either of those meetings here:

Wednesday, March 5th Medicaid Information Session

Wednesday, March 19th Healthcare Committee Meeting

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