CAG Action Alert

So close to the finish line…

With only days left in session, it’s imperative our legislators hear from us fast and frequently.  Here are a few updates on some of the bills we’ve been following this session and quick actions you can take today:

HB 4543 is a groundbreaking bill that would cap insulin copays at $100 (amended by the Senate Health Committee from the bill’s original $25 cap) for a 30-day supply for people with private insurance or PEIA.  The bill passed the House 94-4 with huge bipartisan support.  But now it’s been referenced to another committee, Senate Finance.

We’ve come too far to let the insurance and pharmaceutical lobbies win on this.  Diabetics and allies in our Healthcare for All Coalition worked tirelessly to educate legislators on this issue.  They even organized a caravan to Canada last fall to buy insulin, hoping to draw attention to skyrocketing drug prices in the U.S.

Please speak out today for co-pay caps on insulin, and for affordable prescription drugs for us all!  Call Finance Chair Senator Blair and other committee members to urge HB 4543 be passed and sent to the Senate floor.  You can also send a letter to your own Senators here.

“SPEAK TOOTH TO POWER!” Contact your Delegate(s) today to support SB 648, the bill to offer dental coverage to folks on Medicaid.

It’s a no brainer — bad teeth lead to bad health. Preventative care makes way more sense, and costs less, than yanking our teeth out after it’s too late.  Plus, who wants or needs the stigma of bad teeth when they’re looking for a job? It’s time for West Virginians to demand dignity and respect when it comes to dental care for Medicaid.
For a small state investment, SB 648 would provide dental benefits to 300,000+ adults who use Medicaid, improving health outcomes, reducing emergency room utilization, and increasing employability and work/school attendance. Thirty-five states provide dental benefits to folks using Medicaid, and it’s long past time for West Virginia to do the same.
Fortunately SB 648 passed the Senate overwhelmingly, and just passed the House Finance Committee; today it will be on the House floor for first reading.  We are THIS CLOSE to making dental coverage a reality for folks on Medicaid!  Email your Delegate(s) today.

The West Virginia Legislature cannot justify the expense of creating a new layer of judicial bureaucracy, but the House Finance Committee voted to send SB 275, which would create an intermediate court of appeals, to the full House even though they couldn’t pin down the exact cost.

The millions that would be wasted on this unnecessary court could be better spent on things that help our families and communities thrive—fixing our roads, improving our schools and providing job training for West Virginia workers. We also need to invest more in senior and veterans’ services, food programs and pantries so no West Virginian goes hungry, and much more.

Tell the WV House members to invest the money that would be wasted on an unnecessary intermediate court on things West Virginia needs.

However, in addition to the state’s spending priorities, West Virginians should also be concerned about the millions that special interest groups will undoubtedly spend to pack this new court. Special interest groups spending big bucks on judicial elections see the Supreme Court as an effective vehicle to further their political, ideological, or financial agendas. Why would this new court be any different?

SB 275 will be up for a vote in the full House on Thursday. Don’t let powerful special interests have their way with our courts. Too much is at stake.

Tell delegates to reject this unnecessary court and support other important reforms that help ensure that judges aren’t merely politicians in robes.

Stay tuned to our Facebook for the latest updates on these and other bills!

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