CAG Action Alert

Actions & Trainings to Support People-Powered Campaigns

West Virginia Citizen Action Group
West Virginia
Citizen Action Group
Jul 9, 2019 View / Comment Online



On Thursday, we celebrated the founding of the United States and our Declaration of Independence from the tyranny of monarchy. In West Virginia politics, however, it seems we have another tyrant to overthrow — the tyranny exercised by powerful special interests in our state’s democracy.

We can all do our part by adding our voice to the rule-making around SB 622. Let our state Election Commission know that we need more transparency in West Virginia elections. 

Send a letter to the Commission today to ask them to hold politicians and special interests accountable. 

Over 70 letters have already been sent to the Commission. Help us get to 100! 

Click here to send a letter to the Commission and/or share the letter campaign. We also have an op-edFacebook posts and various tweets you can share to help spread the word. Please send your letter by 5 PM tomorrow (July 10).

And after you’ve sent your letter…

Get trained on running political campaigns, get ready for summer canvassing on Healthcare for All, and more!

Sign up for one or both of these FREE trainings on building power through community conversations, and how you can use your skills to help ordinary West Virginians running for office. The Community Conversations training will kick off our summer canvass about Healthcare for All, together with Rise Up WV. 

Yours for Action,


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