Additional Actions – V14N1


Here are some additional actions you can take to get involved!

Sign This Petition telling Senator Manchin to support a comprehensive, inclusive COVID Relief Aid package!

Sign This Letter to WV Legislators urging them to invest in our state’s future by prioritizing West Virginia’s families and communities over tax cuts for the most affluent.

Click here to tell your legislators to put the needs of West Virginians above the demands of special interests, invest more in vital public services, and say NO to an intermediate court we don’t need. 

Click here for actions you can take to make your voice heard and help pass the For the People Act. 

MOVCA Hosts Dr. Sandra Steingraber Presentation:Thurs, Feb 18th, 7-9PM EST – Dr. Sandra Steingraber will be speaking with us about the findings of the 7th edition of the Compendium of Scientific, Medical, and Media Findings Demonstrating Risks and Harms of Fracking from the organizations Physicians for Social Responsibility and Concerned Health Professionals of New York.

Write to Biden: During the election, Biden promised to tackle the issues of climate change, COVID-19, send much needed $2000 stimulus checks, and get people back to work building and repairing vital infrastructure. Now that he is in office, we need President Biden to take meaningful action that addresses climate change, economic and racial inequality, and COVID-19. The THRIVE Agenda is our road map to a just recovery that will put millions of people back to work building an economy that prioritizes climate, racial, and economic justice.

Civil Liberties Week of Action: Formerly the All Kinds are Welcome Here Lobby Day, with the changes due to COVID restrictions, this year aims to provide advocacy and outreach to policymakers surrounding our core values. We will have a kick-off virtual rally on February 15th and then days of action on the 16, 17, and 18, with each day representing different key issues. Our goal, as always, is to demonstrate the intersectionality of social justice while providing West Virginians the opportunity to learn more and take action regarding issues that matter most to them.

Texting Tuesdays – Join WV Citizen Action and People’s Action “Text to Defend Democracy” from 6-8:30PM (Feb 23rd & Mar 9th), as we text into WV to help win West Virginians the relief they need to survive this pandemic and economic crisis.

THURSDAYS Deep Canvass for COVID Relief PHONE BANK (2/11 thru 3/11) – Join WV Citizen Action & People’s Action as we Deep Canvass phonebank every Thursday to win COVID Relief NOW for WV families & seniors on the brink.