An Affordable Medicaid Buy-In, plus Lowering Prescription and Insulin Prices NOW

By Kim Jones, Health Care for All WV Campaign Coordinator

HB 3274 is a Bridge to Financial Stability and Better Health!

When West Virginia workers have an opportunity to earn a higher income from taking on additional hours or earning a promotion or raise, they face higher health insurance and health care costs that more than cancel out the pay increase they received because they lose eligibility for Medicaid. This phenomenon is referred to as the “Medicaid cliff” and we know that it impacts at least 68,000 residents that move back and forth between Medicaid and Marketplace eligibility during a year. The Affordable Medicaid Buy-In Plan would allow West Virginians who see their incomes rise to stay on with their insurer, providers, and pharmacies.

The Affordable Medicaid Buy-In Program will be available to West Virginians who earn more than the current Medicaid income threshold of 138% of the Federal Poverty Line (FPL), up to 200% FPL. 

  • Individuals with incomes between $1,677 a month and $2,430 a month, and families of four with incomes between $3,450 a month and $5,000 a month would be eligible. 
  • Individuals who earn more than 200% FPL could still be allowed to purchase the Buy-In plan at full cost, depending on the final structure of the plan. These individuals would also still be eligible for federal financial assistance on the marketplace.
  • The proposal also directs the Department of Health and Human Resources to look at options to provide a new more affordable health plan to West Virginians at higher income levels.  

We need this vital bill to pass this last week of session!

HB 3274  is waiting to be put on the agenda in Senate Health,
so Make Those Calls TODAY!


Don’t Make West Virginians Wait Another Year for Help with High Prescription and Insulin Prices!

SB 577 is a bill that has waited a long time to pass. In 2020, West Virginia’s first Insulin Affordability Bill was introduced. The bill asked for a $25 a month copay cap. Though the bill passed, it was amended to a much higher copay of $100 a month. But most West Virginians can’t afford $100 a month for just one of their prescriptions. Especially people with diabetes. They pay 2.3 times more in healthcare costs than the average American. They have to pay for glucometers, test strips, lancets, pump supplies, emergency shots, supplies for continuous glucose monitoring and more! SB 577 reduces the copay cap on insulin to $35 and limits the copay on supplies to no more than $100 a month. 

This bill has passed the House and is on its way to the Senate to have them concur with an amendment added by the House. We are waiting to see if the Senate finally passes a bill that thousands of West Virginians have been waiting for all of these years!! 

Call your Senators and let them know
you and your loved ones can’t wait another year!