With many important races on the ballot this year, it’s important to make sure you’re registered to vote and ready to vote. This means making sure you have your ID, informing yourself about the issues and candidates, and last but not least, getting yourself to the polls. If you want to vote in the May 8th Primary, it’s easy to register to vote or update your registration online at http://ovr.sos.wv.gov/ or by visiting your county clerk’s office. The deadline to register is Tuesday, April 17th. Is your registration current? Even if you think you are registered, more than 86,000 outdated or ineligible registrations were cancelled last year in an effort to clean up the voter rolls. You can check your registration status at GoVoteWV.com or by contacting your county clerk just to be sure. Once you’ve confirmed your registration status, remember West Virginia’s new voter ID law is now in effect and everyone must show some form of ID when then go to the polls. Because West Virginia’s law is not as strict as voter ID laws passed in other states, most voters will likely have one of the acceptable forms of ID on the list. Acceptable forms of photo ID include driver’s licenses, passports, military and student IDs, and concealed carry permits. Several forms of non-photo IDs will also be accepted including Medicare and Medicaid cards, hunting and fishing licenses, bank and debit cards, utility bills, and health insurance cards. Voters who lack a valid form of ID could have a friend or poll worker vouch for them. (See the Secretary of State’s guide to the new law below for complete of acceptable IDs and exceptions to the voter ID requirement.) Registered voters who do not have any of the acceptable forms of ID can apply for a free voter ID card from their county clerk. Please help spread the word and make sure people know about the new voter ID requirement. Every vote counts, and we don’t want potential voters to be turned away. Yours for Action, Team WV CAG PS: Remember these important 2018 Election dates: Primary Election – May 8 (Poll Hours 6:30 am – 7:30 pm) General Election – November 6 |