Capital Eye Vol. 16 No. 10: Truth and Consequences

Our June Newsletter is ready, and it’s in PRINT! Check your mailboxes, or contact us. We’d be happy to mail you a copy. A PDF version is also available for download below.

In this issue:

  • Tax Cuts: Truth & Consequences (pg 1)
  • Renewed Effort to Pass the Freedom to Vote Act (pg 2)
  • Envision WV Project Gears Up for Summer (pg 3)
  • Medicaid Work Requirements Would Be Disastrous for WV (pg 4)
  • Debt Crisis Fallout Continues (pg 5)
  • On the Road with the IRA Roadshow (pg 6)
  • Medicare Dis-Advantage (pg 6)
  • United Vision Project (pg 7)
  • Your Story Has Power (pg 8)
  • UPDATE on Pleasants Power Station (pg 9)
  • Help Fund an Organizing Revival in WV (pg 10)
  • 2023 Awards Picnic (pg 11)
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