Capital Eye Vol. 11 No. 6

West Virginia Citizen Action Group
Capital Eye
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Week six of the 2018 legislative session kicked off with a public hearing on a bill to restrict access to food assistance (SNAP) and other vital safety net programs, and wrapped up with thousands of teachers filling the halls of the Capitol to demand better pay and a fix for PEIA. Read more about the status of these and other proposals including campus carry, co-tenancy, and bills to reshape our judicial system; and actions you can take to support redistricting reform and energy efficiency, and oppose logging in our state parks. 

We appreciate the constributions, large and small, sent in by you, our readers and members, to help us keep fighting for you at the Legislature. These memberships and donations are heartening and help keep us going!

If you haven’t already, please take a minute and address an envelope to 1500 Dixie Street, Charleston, WV 25311 or even easier click here to support your Citizen Action Group online. Your CAG team thanks you in advance!

Yours for Action,


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