Capital Eye: Vol. 12 No. 5

West Virginia Citizen Action Group
Capital Eye
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We’re half-way through legislative session.  Can you believe it?!

Now that the midpoint is passed, several significant deadlines are looming for those trying to pass or kill off legislation. The legislative calendar contains these significant cut-off points over the next three weeks:

  • Tuesday, February 12th: Last day to introduce bills in the House
  • Monday, February 18th: Last day to introduce bills in the Senate
  • Wednesday, February 27th: Last day to vote on (pass) a bill in its house of origin – also known as Crossover Day

Click the articles below to get caught up on where different legislation stands right now.  Remember to call your Delegate(s) and Senator(s) often to let them know where you stand on various issues!

Lastly, don’t forget about the Rise Up Community Fair in Charleston this Wednesday.  We hope to see you there!

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