Capital Eye Vol. 17, No. 1

Welcome to our weekly Legislative update. In it we can’t possibly cover all the more than 1,300 bills that have been introduced so far as of this writing, but we’ll endeavor to cover some of the highlights (and the lowlights) of the session. This update isn’t an armchair document, but a call to action! So read on and then take action! After all that’s what Citizen Action is all about!

Stay up-to-date each week on what’s happening under the dome by watching for our weekly Capital Eye e-blast! Encourage your friends to stay-up-to-date, too, by signing up for our emails (you can also use this form to update your email interests). Also consider bookmarking our events page to keep track of upcoming events.

We work extra hard during the session to make sure our supporters have the information and contacts they need to make WV a better place for everyone. This means longer hours and more expenses for staff and materials. Your financial support is essential. Consider pitching in with a membership contribution. Thank YOU for your support!

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