Capital Eye Vol. 18 No. 5: Halfway There—A Chaotic Legislative Session Filled with Attacks, Inaction

This week, on March 13, we’ll hit the midpoint in this legislative session—thank goodness! Actually, there hasn’t been much goodness so far during this unusually challenging session. 

Special interests and social stigma bills assault all sectors of our people-centered policy matrix, basically doing nothing to move our state forward. In contrast, lawmakers ignore critical problems such as affordable housing, clean drinking water, childcare, and education.

The annual “Tank Bill” is back—once again aiming to reduce inspections for tanks upstream from public water intakes. Over the past decade, the legislature has repeatedly tried to weaken these protections. This year, the Senate is pushing to deregulate the very tanks responsible for the disaster. We can’t let history repeat itself. Take action to let Senators know you oppose SB 592!

In This Issue: 

A big thanks to all who’ve taken the time to contact lawmakers on one or more of the critical issues we’ve been outlining. Also, thank you to those who’ve renewed your membership or donated to keep our lobby team going. Your support makes a difference! 

Charleston Area Friends: Join a community gathering to Support Ukraine TODAY, March 12, at 4 PM on Dickinson Street between Virginia and Quarrier Streets. This event is part of nationwide demonstrations calling on the U.S. to resume aid to Ukraine. Our member, Joe Carney, wrote in a recent op-ed, “Ukraine can defeat the Russian aggression with continued support from the United States and its NATO allies.”

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