Climate Eye Week 5

We’ve reached day 30 of 60, we’re halfway there! Here are some updates on WV Citizen Action’s ongoing legislative work around climate.

The Good

  • WV CAG is, now and always, proud to support and work beside the West Virginia Environmental Council in their work toward the coalition’s 2024 legislative priorities. Please sign up to receive updates and action alerts from their lobby team on the ground in the Capitol, and if you’re interested in environmental issues and advocacy, we’d love to see you at E-Day on February 13th!
  • We’re still waiting to hear from the West Virginia Public Service Commission on its Mon Power net metering decision in which we were intervenors, despite overwhelming support from the community to protect our rates. It’s not too late to tell them that you support fair rates for solar owners by sending them a letter here! Please also complete this action via our friends at West Virginians for Energy Freedom to let House Energy and Judiciary members know that you support codifying fair net metering via HB5422.
  • A community solar bill, SB638, has been introduced in the Senate. This version creates a pilot program, and we support it fully!
  • The Orphaned Well Prevention Act (SB532) has been referenced to Senate Energy. Stay plugged in with the WV Surface Owners’ Rights Organization for more information and the latest in how to support that bill through the legislative process this year.

The Not So Good

  • HB5018, a bid to weaken citizen air monitoring programs such as ours, has passed out of the House of Delegates after a public hearing that showed no citizen support, and a failed attempt at amendment. Please see the end of this update to take action on this bill and send a note to the Senate Energy Committee asking them to oppose HB5018. And if you’re interested in hosting a permanent air sensor or a back yard monitoring kit, please fill out this interest form—we’ll be placing 30 new PurpleAir sensors this year!
  • Related to the ARCH2 project, SB596 has just been sent to Senate Rules and would pave the way for Class VI primacy to the DEP for carbon sequestration and storage. We oppose this transfer of liability, and any other attempt to fast-track blue hydrogen false solutions.

We’ve reached the point in the session where we’ve got a lot to reach out about, so please keep an eye out for individual action alerts—we’ll try not to send more than a handful. And remember, CAG’s power is in our members (you!) standing together.