D.C. Statehood Teach-In

D.C. Statehood Teach-In – Tuesday, June 30 at 7 PM

There are more than 700,000 Americans who call Washington, DC home but have no elected representation in Congress. Residents of DC pay taxes, in fact more in federal taxes than 22 states, yet remain voiceless in the issues facing our country.

As the nation grapples with full representation, voting rights and reforming our election systems, D.C. Statehood makes sure that all Americans will be treated equally and not left out. Join us for a frank conversation on why Statehood is a needed part of the movement to preserve democracy and how it relates to the people of West Virginia.

If you missed this discussion on DC Statehood, you can watch it, in its entirety, here. Featuring: Pastor David Fryson – Attorney and Retired Vice President of the West Virginia University Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Chris Myers Asch – Co-Author of “Chocolate City”, Dr. Ravi Perry – Chair, Political Science, Howard University and DC Vote Board Member, Monica Hopkins – Executive Director – ACLU of the District of Columbia. WATCH leaders from both Washington D.C. and West Virginia highlight the history and importance of D.C. Statehood.