Don’t let WV American Water off the hook!

Tell the WV Public Service Commission (PSC) not to let WV American Water off the hook for the chemical spill response!

Today, January 9th is the second anniversary of the Freedom Industries MCHM chemical spill that contaminated our water – and we’re still waiting to find out why WV American Water let it get into our homes and businesses.

Yet, last Monday, the Charleston Gazette/Mail reported that the WV PSC was “…hinting that it could drop its long-stalled investigation into West Virginia American Water Company’s response to the leak’s contamination of its regional drinking water supply.”

We can’t let this happen!

WV American Water must be held accountable for its actions during the chemical spill. This investigation has been stalled for over a year because of conflict of interests and vacancies at the PSC. It’s time for them to get moving, not throw in the towel.

Click here to sign the petition asking the WV PSC to follow through on its commitment to investigate how our water supply was allowed to be contaminated with MCHM in January 2014!

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Updated: January 11, 2016 — 3:40 pm

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