E-Day Advocacy Webinar on February 6th

Join us for our E-Day Advocacy Webinar on February 6th!

Join WV Environmental Council lobbyists Lucia Valentine and Isabel Stellato on Tuesday, Feb. 6, at 7 pm for a free webinar to get up-to-date information on bills we are tracking and talking points for meeting with key legislators during the legislative session. 

E-Day Advocacy: Bills and Talking Points

  • Date: Tuesday, February 6
  • Time: 7 pm – 8 pm
  • Hosts: WV Citizen Action Group, WV Environmental Council and WV Rivers Coalition

Register for the webinar today! 

This webinar is in conjunction with WVEC’s Feb.13 Environmental Day (E-Day) at the WV State Capitol. E-Day is a crucial day for citizen advocacy and a chance to see the legislature at work, tour the Capitol, engage with environmental groups, and advocate for your community. Participation is free! Learn more and register at wvecouncil.org/eday

If you missed our Advocacy 101 webinar, you can find a recording here

Links we shared during the webinar:

Register here for our next webinar on Feb. 6 and gain the tools and insights needed to make a meaningful difference! We hope to see you there!