Food for Thought

Sign the petition to Congress: Stand up for kids. Fight for an expanded WIC program and increased access to summer meals through the Child Nutrition authorization process.

Working families and the middle class are getting crushed. Too many families are struggling to meet the basics, including putting food on the table or being able to see the doctor when they are sick. In many working families, children are going hungry or eating cheap, less nutritious food, so their parents can scrape together enough money to make the rent.

But we can help. Right now, Congress is discussing the reauthorization of the Child Nutrition Act. We need to do all we can to protect kids who cannot fight for themselves.

Let’s stand up for kids together. Sign our petition to congress to fight for for our children.

Working families and the middle class are the engines of our economy. When people have good jobs, when we can educate our kids, care for our families, afford health care, shop in our neighborhoods and retire with security, that’s what drives the economy forward. We all do better when we all do better – and that means doing better for all our children.

Child nutrition programs like school breakfast and lunch, summer food programs, and WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) currently feed millions of children with nutritious food to grow and learn. Universally, there is recognition that these programs work – and work exceedingly well – to ensure healthy outcomes and greater educational attainment for our nation’s children.

Click here to ask Congress to support expanding WIC and summer meals programs.

It’s up to us to hold our elected officials in Congress accountable for supporting the vital services that keep our kids healthy and give parents peace of mind. Together we can provide a better future for our children and help parents care and support their families. This is what America is all about. We can build an America that works for all of us.

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