Freedom to Vote Act Rally: Bring it Home, Joe!

OCT. 16th, 11am
Fairmont, WV
We are bringing the movement for voting rights to Sen. Manchin’s hometown of Fairmont in support of his bill, the Freedom to Vote Act.
We will rally to thank Sen. Manchin for his leadership on the issue and to say loud and clear: Bring it home, Joe! West Virginia needs you to get this done.
WHAT: Rally for the Freedom to Vote Act
WHERE: East Marion Park, Fairmont, WV
WHEN: Saturday, October 16th, 11am
WHO: Sponsored by RepresentUs, Un-PAC, and other local organizations. And YOU!
The fight to protect voting rights, clean up dark money in politics, ban partisan gerrymandering, and make election day a national holiday is on a knife’s edge in the Senate. Join concerned citizens and advocates from across the state in rallying to help get Sen. Manchin’s Freedom to Vote Act over the finish line!
And – make sure to stick around for pepperoni rolls after the event!
COVID safety note: We will be holding the event outdoors and wearing masks to reduce risk and stay safe. 
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