Glow Run for Recovery 5k – SEPTEMBER 18

We will have a Kids Fun Run sponsored by CHESS Health, a FOAM machine on the splash pad, 50 lbs of color powder, glow face painting, glow photo booth, a make your own trail mix station, and more!
Friday Sept 17th, 2021
8AM-8PM (all day) Friday before the race.
Registered runners may pick up packages with bibs and shirts at Café Appalachia 206 D Street South Charleston WV 25303
WVARR and the Families of Convicted People are hosting a graduation ceremony with spaghetti dinner for our volunteers at the Café 6-8PM.
Hope to see you there!
Saturday Sept 18, 2021
4-9PM: (race starts at 7:00)
3-3:30 Set up Information Tables on closed Kanawha Boulevard
4pm – Registration opens
5pm – CHESS Health Kids Fun Run starts and kids’ activities
6pm – Stories of Hope
7pm– Race starts
8pm – Prizes awarded and Glow Dance Party
9:30 – wrap up, clean up
Over 20 community health organizations and recovery programs such as The Health Plan, Recovery Advocacy Project, Thomas Health Systems, CHESS Health Inc, the Collegiate Recovery Network, Prestera Center for Mental Health, Community Action Group, Rural Health Service Providers Network, Synergy Health, West Virginia Sober Living, Recovery Point West Virginia, Great Rivers System of Addiction Care, WV Reentry Councils are all collaborating and developing the state’s largest National Recovery Month event.
This is an outdoor in-person event. Please wear a mask, especially if you are unvaccinated, as we want to keep you safe. Vaccination, masking, and social distancing highly encouraged.
There is a VIRTUAL OPTION : Run or walk 3.1 miles anywhere in WV and upload your TIME from your running app (fitbit, strava, nikerun, apple workout, etc) to the hashtag: #glowrunforrecovery and you will be entered to WIN prizes!
There are SATELLITE events happening in Wheeling, Parkersburg and other WV towns, contact for more information.
Information about WVARR, Nonprofit Organization benefiting from this fundraiser:
*West Virginia Alliance of Recovery Residences is the state affiliate of National Alliance for Recovery Residences (NARR). Our organization’s mission is to ensure and promote access to safe, high-quality recovery housing for people with Substance Use Disorder (SUD) through certification, training, technical assistance, and advocacy. SUD is a chronic disorder that requires a safe, stable, sober living environment for successful long-term disease management.