Good News on Health Initiatives

Good News on Health Initiatives

by Kat Stoll, Policy Director for West Virginians for Affordable Healthcare

As we face down “cross-over” day in the state legislature, it feels like we are being hit with one bad bill after another. But there are two good bills moving forward:

HB 4252 – We are very close to victory!

We are optimistic that we will pass HB 4252 that lowers the private insurance copay cap on insulin to $35 a month and adds a copay cap of $100 on equipment, supplies, and devices.  For continuous glucose monitors and insulin pumps, HB 4252 mandates that a person with private insurance will only pay $250 every two years for a new monitor/pump. 

The prospects of passage of HB 4252 is very good but not a done deal. The Senate Health and Human Resources Committee must pass HB 4252 and send it on to the full Senate for a vote. If we do pass this bill, our state law will do even more than the diabetes copay cap provisions that were part of the federal Build Back Better legislative package under debate in Congress.

Please Take Action and let all Senators know you support this bill!  

HB 3001/SB 688 – Positive Steps on the Medicaid Buy-In 

HB 3001/SB 688 will:

  • Remove a Significant Barrier to Work – the Medicaid Cliff 
  • Provide a New Affordable Health Insurance Option Similar to Medicaid
  • Be Paid for with All Federal Dollars (using options/waivers that better use existing federal funds)

HB 3001/SB 688 has key Republican sponsors both in the House and Senate. We have received favorable feedback from the Health and Humans Resources Committees in both chambers. The DHHR has suggested some amendments are needed and we agree. 

Help us keep up the drumbeat:  Action Alert 

Over the summer we hope to: 

  1. Create a strong coalition specifically focused on building support for a Medicaid Buy-in.  The voices of faith leaders and the small business community will be critical.  We are confident we can build a diverse, powerful coalition.
  2. Work closely with DHHR and national experts on the technical details of the funding mechanisms that can be used to maximize federal dollars to create a Medicaid Buy-in program.
  3. Test our best message frames to promote a Medicaid Buy-in, develop a website, and start a social and traditional earned media campaign on the Medicaid cliff and a Medicaid Buy-in program.
  4. Expand our story collection that illustrates the Medicaid cliff and the need for a Medicaid Buy-in.

If you would like to help us work on this important bill, contact us at Health Care for All WV