WV CAG and our Health Care for All WV partners have been quite busy this summer and fall.
Our team has been out connecting with the community, gaining new contacts, volunteers and storytellers. We were in Huntington for the 9th St Live community concert event in July, as part of our celebration of the 58th Anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid. We were in Charleston in August to celebrate the first birthday of the Inflation Reduction Act and the ability for Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices soon taking effect. In September, we were all over the place: Huntington for the Huntington Music and Arts Festival; Parkersburg at the Wood County Fall Family Resource Fair, and Greenbrier County for the 3rd Annual Healing Appalachia festival. At each event, we were there signing people up and talking with them about fighting for affordable, accessible, equitable healthcare in WV.
For our volunteers that are more comfortable lending a hand virtually, Health Care for America Now and WV CAG hosted a Digital Activism 101 webinar on October 2nd, to show them how to get involved from home, or from anywhere, via their phone or computer.
With all the new contacts we made over the last several months, Health Care for All WV decided it was high time to host our first Volunteer Meeting on Monday, October 16th on Zoom. More meetings will follow, as the plan is to host them more regularly, so be on the lookout if you missed our meeting last week!
Lastly, on Tuesday, October 24th, we joined with West Virginians for Affordable Health Care and Health Care for All WV for their annual WV Medicaid Summit. Find their event on Facebook here: https://fb.me/e/3fVdqgfAK.
And, of course, if you want to join us in our work, hit our website at www.healthcareforallwv.org!
Find us on Facebook, TwitterX, and YouTube.
Share Your Healthcare Stories with us at: www.hcstorieswv.orgÂ