CAG Action Alert

Help working families!

The West Virginia state legislature has created a temporary committee to look at ways to improve our tax system. Tell members of this committee that West Virginia will be a better place to live, work, and raise a family with an EITC.

West Virginia should create a state Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) because it will help people who work but struggle to get by on low wages while boosting local economies across the state.  A state-EITC can only be claimed by people who work so it’s a hand up, not a handout to low-income working families.

Currently, one out of five West Virginia households receives the federal EITC, but unlike 26 other states, there is no state-level EITC to assist working families in West Virginia.  Over 170,000 West Virginia children would be helped.

It’s time West Virginia took action and joined the other 26 states who have enacted a state EITC!


P.S.  Please go sign on now to tell Senators Manchin & Capito to fight for working families back in Washington by making critical provisions in the federal EITC and CTC permanent this year.

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