CAG Action Alert

Join the Movement for Medicare for All

West Virginia Citizen Action Group
West Virginia
Citizen Action Group
Feb 2, 2018 View / Comment Online Donate to WV SORO

Will you join the movement for Medicare for All in West Virginia in 2018?

In 2017, we saw a wave of resistance against Congressional healthcare rollbacks that would have eliminated health insurance coverage for more than 170,000 West Virginians. West Virginians took to the streets – and to Congressional offices with sit-ins and die-ins. Thanks to the sustained grassroots action around the country, the Republicans’ signature plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act failed.

Just this week hundreds of people came together at the Greenbrier where Congressional Republicans held their legislative retreat. We protested the Republicans’ renewed plans to cut healthcare in 2018.  

We need more than just resistance – we need to elect people who are going to work for West Virginians, people who won’t rest until all of us have healthcare. We need to stand up for our vision – a Medicare for All universal healthcare system that covers everyone – and elect leaders who will fight for it.

It will take a revolution – our revolution – to get Medicare for All in this country. The insurance and drug companies are spending millions to fight it and to take away the health care we currently have. Drug companies alone spent $240 million on lobbying in 2016.

But the movement for Medicare for All is growing too. Medicare for All legislation has record numbers of co-sponsors in the House and the Senate. We’re going to be doing our part here in West Virginia in 2018 by putting pressure on candidates and making Medicare for All a major issue in Congressional elections.

Join the movement for Medicare for All in 2018:

  1. Sign this petition to Congressional candidates asking them to support Medicare for All
  2. Write a letter to the editor in support of Medicare for All
  3. Host a Medicare for All speaker. Are you part of a community group, union local, church or other organization that would be interested in a presentation on Medicare for All? Sign up here!
  4. Organize a healthcare town hall. We’ll provide you with all the materials you need to start organizing for Medicare for All in your community. Sign up here!


Alex & Cathy

Alex Gallo, WV Citizen Action Group and Cathy Kunkle, Rise Up WV


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