June 28th – July 10th: Deadline For Democracy

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Whatever our color, background or zip code, most of us believe that voters should pick our leaders—our leaders do not get to pick their voters. When it comes to our elections, we want a transparent process we can trust, where Americans have equal freedom to vote, whether we live in a small town or big city, the south or the north. But today, a handful of extremist politicians have put up barriers to silence our voices based on what we look like or where we live. It’s time for national standards for voting so all of us have a say in key decisions like affordable care, quality jobs, and a healthy future.

Together, we can ensure Americans can safely and freely cast our ballots so that every voice is heard and our elections reflect the will of the people.


But every day, we get closer to a very real deadline to take action to pass the For the People Act. 


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