From the Legislative Action Team on Children and Families:
This week the WV Senate passed SB 614, a “student discipline” bill that will result in an increased number of K-6 students being removed, suspended, and/or expelled from elementary classrooms.
The legislation would allow teachers to remove elementary school students from the classroom, bar them from riding the bus home, potentially subject them to law enforcement interactions if their parents are unable to pick them up, and exclude them from school until a risk assessment is completed. If passed, the legislation will disproportionately impact students of color, students with disabilities, and poor students and contribute to the school-to-prison pipeline.
Put simply: This bill is bad for students and provides no support for classroom teachers to meet the needs of their students.
The WV House will soon consider this bill. Please tell your Delegate to reject SB 614 and provide real support for our students and teachers.