Let’s #VoteTogetherWV to give this primary the best turnout ever!

Want to make friends, win prizes, and connect with your neighbors about voting safely in the era of COVID-19?

Join us for phone banking and helping your neighbors vote! 

With all of the changes due to the coronavirus pandemic, WV Citizen Action is joining together with our partners and allies to get information to voters about important dates and how they can vote absentee. The Vote Together WV coalition is hosting two phone bank shifts per week, where volunteers can support and encourage each other, win prizes, while making phone calls safely from home.

*** Sign up here!! ***


We’ll be doing live virtual trainings every Tuesday at noon and every Thursday at 5pm.  The next two trainings are TODAY, Tuesday, May 12 at noon and Thursday, May 14 at 5pm.  To join any virtual training, click this link to log into our zoom room.

Also, here’s our volunteer packet to help you get oriented in advance of the training.  Many of your questions are probably answered in the packet or in the other documents it links to. Once you’re trained we’ll make sure you have everything you need to make calls from home at your convenience

Ready to get started? Sign up TODAY!

Questions?  Please contact Savanna Lyons at savanna@wvcag.org or 304-673-0053.

Let’s #VoteTogetherWV to give this primary the best turnout ever!

ABOUT the VOTE TOGETHER WV coalition: Vote Together WV is a joint effort of a nonpartisan state table dedicated to voter turnout and engagement.  Our table includes leaders of ACLU-WV, Our Future WV, WV FREE, WV Citizen Action Education Fund, West Virginia Rivers Coalition, Team for West Virginia’s Children, NASW-WV, and others.

General information on Voting in the 2020 Primary

Due to COVID-19, a few things about the primary have changed:

  •     The election date has been changed from May 12 to June 9
  •     The voter registration deadline is now May 19
  •     All West Virginian Voters have the option to vote via absentee ballot
  •     Absentee ballots must be requested via your county clerk; Applications have been mailed to all voters (If you haven’t received your application contact your county clerk. If you requested your ballot but haven’t received it, check the absentee ballot tracking system to see if your ballot has been sent to you. If the request does not appear in the tracker within a week of submitting an absentee application, contact your county clerk. )
  •     Early Voting is May 27-June 6
  •     County Clerks must receive your request for an absentee ballot by June 3

Spread the word by helping with our phone bank! 

It’s important for everyone to understand how important this election is and how to make their voices heard as safely as possible. This election is about far more than the presidential primary. Voters will also select state Supreme Court of Appeals justices and local school board members, among many other races.

WV Citizens for Clean Elections launched a new website, https://www.wvcourtelections.org/, to help voters learn more about West Virginia judicial elections and the candidates running for the WV Supreme Court.

Despite the significance of the state Supreme Court, tens of thousands of West Virginia voters didn’t participate in the past two judicial elections and missed a chance to have their voices heard. Many of those voters simply did not know enough about the candidates and how judicial elections work.

Help West Virginia voters complete their ballots and better understand the importance of these elections by sharing the website via social media. We’ve made it easy. Click here for sample posts and graphics you can share. 

ABOUT WV Citizens for Clean Elections: WV Citizens for Clean Elections is a coalition of organizations working to increase transparency and accountability in West Virginia elections, and advance reforms to strengthen democracy and ensure fairness and impartially in our courts.