Make Sure You’re Ready to Vote!

Make Sure You’re Ready to Vote!

The General Election is coming up on Tuesday, November 8! Make sure you are ready to vote.

1) Check your registration status ASAP.

The deadline to register or update your registration is Tuesday, October 18.

Register or update your registration online at OR check with your county clerk to learn about other ways to register to vote in this election.

2) Vote early by absentee or in person

–  Apply for Absentee Ballot
: Unlike 2020, you need an excuse to vote absentee in this election. You can review eligibility requirements and download an absentee ballot application here. Don’t have a printer? Contact your county clerk to have an application sent to you. We recommend you fill out your form and mail it to your local election official at least two weeks before the Wednesday, November 2 deadline to make sure you have time to receive and return your ballot before the election.

– Vote Early In-Person: Early voting begins Wednesday, October 26 and ends Saturday, November 5. Visit OR  contact your county clerk for early voting hours and locations. Before you go, find out what’s on your ballot. An interactive sample ballot tool is available at Remember that everyone must show some form of ID when they go to the polls. For a list of acceptable forms of non-photo and photo ID, visit OR  contact your county clerk.

3) Make a plan to vote on Election Day

Election Day is Tuesday, November 8. Polls are open 6:30 am to 7:30 pm.

Before you go:
– Find out what’s on your ballot. An interactive sample ballot tool is available at
– Due to last year’s redistricting, your polling place may have changed. The Secretary of State has an interactive map for voters to find their voting districts and precinct information. You can also find your polling place here OR by contacting your county clerk.

Remember that everyone must show some form of ID when they go to the polls. For a list of acceptable forms of non-photo and photo ID, visit OR  contact your county clerk. 


Happy Voting from WV Citizen Action!

PS: In addition to the congressional, legislative, county and local elected offices that will appear on the ballot this election, voters must also consider four separate amendments to the state’s constitution. Click here to learn what’s at stake with these proposed changes to the West Virginia Constitution.

Important Election Dates and Deadlines

October 18, 2022 – Voter Registration Deadline

October 26 – November 5, 2022 – Early Voting at the county courthouse, an annex or a designated community voting location during normal business hours and 9 am to 5 pm on the last 2 Saturdays before the General Election.

November 1 – Noon, November 8, 2022 – Requests for Emergency Absentee Ballot under the following circumstances:

  • Voter in the hospital on Election Day
  • Replacement poll worker appointed after the period for Early Voting
  • Voter in licensed health care facilities within an adjacent county or within 35 miles of the county seat (county policy required)
  • Voter in nursing home within the county if he or she has resided there for a period of less than 30 days (county policy required)
  • Voter becomes confined, on or after the seventh day

November 2, 2022 – Deadline for Absentee Ballot Applications – Absentee ballot applications received after November 2, even if postmarked, cannot be accepted by law. 

November 7, 2022 – Deadline for Hand-Deliver Absentee Ballot to the Clerk’s Office

November 8, 2022 – ELECTION DAY

November 8, 2022 – Absentee Ballots Received Electronically From Eligible Voters Accepted – Absentee ballots submitted electronically by eligible military and overseas voters and eligible voters with physical disabilities are accepted by close of polls.

November 9, 2022– Absentee Ballots mailed but without a Postmark Accepted

November 14 – Absentee Ballots Postmarked by Election Day Accepted

For more voting information visit or see this FAQ from the WV Secretary of State’s office