NEW RELEASE: A Citizen’s Guide to Climate Change

The West Virginia Climate Change Alliance has created a new resource guide for all West Virginians passionate, or just curious, about Climate Change.

A Citizen’s Guide to Climate Change: The Causes, Impacts, and Potential Solutions” was officially released to the public today. You can view it below. 

Become a Climate Voter!

The West Virginia Climate Change Alliance is a newly formed alliance comprised of environmental, faith based, and civic organizations whose mission is to provide public education on climate change. This publication is made possible by financial contributions from West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy, West Virginia Citizen Action Education Fund, and West Virginia Rivers Coalition.

The Guide has the support of a number of West Virginia organizations, including: American Friends Service Committee, Christians for the Mountains, Center for Energy and Sustainable Development, Citizens’ Climate Lobby West Virginia, League of Women Voters of West Virginia, Mid-Ohio Valley Climate Action, Moms Clean Air Force-West Virginia, Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition, Sierra Club of West Virginia, West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy, West Virginia-Citizen Action Education Fund, West Virginia Interfaith Power and Light, and West Virginia Rivers Coalition.

The Guide was designed by Colleen Anderson of Mother Wit Writing and Design (

We hope you find this publication helpful. 

We ALSO hope you’ll Take Action and Become a Climate Voter!

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”A Citizen’s Guide to Climate Change – CAG Version”]