PRESS RELEASE: NEW TV Ads Urge Congress to Invest in the Home Care Economy by Passing the American Jobs Plan

Digital Ads also Call on West Virginia’s Senators to Support an Infrastructure Plan that Prioritizes Healthcare Workers, Home and Community-Based Services

(CHARLESTON, WV) – New national television ads from the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) urges Congress to invest in the nationwide care economy. The SEIU ads are part of its “#CareIsEssential” summer campaign to elevate calls for Congress to pass a $400 billion investment in decent, union care jobs that will increase access to quality care for Americans who need it. 

The ads are running in West Virginia, as well as Arizona, Colorado, Delaware, Georgia, Maine, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, Wisconsin, and Washington, DC. The ads feature real home care consumers and workers, including Scott Lancianese, a former coal worker from West Virginia, who wants to see the President’s once-in-a-generation investment in home based-community services passed as soon as possible.

You can watch the SEIU West Virginia-specific ad here.

You can watch the SEIU national ad here.

Additionally, digital ads from Healthcare Workers Action running in West Virginia call on Senators to pass an infrastructure plan that invests in home and community-based services and healthcare workers and strengthens the healthcare system. Congress has the opportunity to support historic investments in our country’s infrastructure that ultimately strengthens our healthcare system by providing funding for training, recruitment, and retention of doctors and healthcare workers for home and community-based services. 

Click HERE to view the full Healthcare Workers Action digital ad.

Read more about how investments in the care economy benefit people and healthcare workers in West Virginia.