People’s Action Letter – Re.: Need for a Secretary of Labor Ready to Usher in Structural Reforms

From: People’s Action Network

To:  Ron Klain, Incoming White House Chief of Staff
       Mike Donilan, Incoming Senior Advisor to the President

December 17th, 2020

Dear Mr. Klain and Mr. Donilan,

We are writing to you as Directors of some of the member groups of People’s Action (, a national network of 40 state and local grassroots power-building organizations, united in fighting for justice. Our organization represents the power built by poor and working people – across rural, suburban and urban areas – that fight to win change through issue campaigns at the local, state, and federal levels. During the election season, we engaged 35,000 volunteers to attempt 9 million calls, hold 280,000+ deep canvass conversations, and send 38 million texts to advance the Biden-Harris ticket in 7 battleground states. We are now looking for leadership in the cabinet that reflects our members’ needs and priorities. READ MORE BELOW:

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