CAG Action Alert

Rally & Teach-in MONDAY: Save our schools, defend our teachers!

West Virginia Citizen Action Group
West Virginia
Citizen Action Group
Jun 14, 2019 View / Comment Online



West Virginia has spoken. According to state Department of Education public forums and online surveys, 88% of our state is opposed to privatizing our educational system via charter schools and “education savings account” schemes that divert needed funding from public schools.

Yet, once again, West Virginia’s Senate Republican leadership are trying to take revenge on striking school employees by attacking our state’s education system. The West Virginia legislature already rejected the revenge politics of the Omnibus bill by the Senate Republicans earlier this year, but the Senate passed many of the same measures yet again in their special session earlier this month. The Senate education bill should be rejected again. Real educational reform must involve looking at individual bills on their merits during the regular session and including the input of parents and teachers.

Students, parents and community members who want to show solidarity with our hard-working teachers and school service personnel: Join us on Monday June 17th for a student-led rally and teach-in in support of public education! We will meet at 10am inside the Capitol in front of the House chambers.  (In case things get too hectic, we will also have info tables and an overflow area set up in front of Senate chambers.)

Please wear white so we can stand out, and if you have extra white t-shirts please feel free to bring them!

Monday will be an exciting day at the Capitol! Arrive early because there will be long lines. Come for the students, stay to resist toxic polluters!

Bonus!  Help Resist Rockwool on Monday too!
Citizens of Jefferson County and others throughout the state will also be visiting the Capitol on Monday to speak with the Governor and legislators about their struggle against the Manufacturing Plant that Rockwool plans to build in Ranson (Jefferson County). 
This issue is also relevant to education because of the health impacts that the proposed coal-burning facility could have for a school next door, as well as the enormous infrastructure subsidies that manufacturing facility received, which could have gone into education or other essential investments.
Please join us at 2pm on Monday at the Governors Press Conference room in the Capitol. Eastern panhandle residents will be giving a press conference and would love supporters to join them wearing yellow shirts.
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