SAVE THE DATE – WVCAG Awards Picnic, Sept. 15th 5-7PM

Join us for our 2022 Awards Picnic, September 15th from 5-7PM at Little Creek Park in South Charleston, WV, at the Soap Box Pavilion. There will be food catered, music, civic awards and much more. 

Please order your tickets HERE! 
(Donate what you can, although the suggested amount would be greatly appreciated):

Food will be catered by Gourmet Fast, and music will be performed by Sandy Sowell and Gerry Collyard. 

Our Awardees are:

  • Natalie Tennant for the Si Galperin In Defense of Democracy Award
  • Takeiya Smith for the Thomas A. Knight Excalibur Award
  • And both Crystal Good and Emily Thompson for Don Marsh & Paul Nyden Public Service Awards

And if you cannot attend, you are always welcome to donate directly online:

– WVCAG (C4 – not tax deductible)

– WVCAEF (C3 – tax deductible)

We ask that everyone follow masking and social distancing guidelines. Let’s celebrate safely.


Come celebrate with West Virginia Citizen Action Group!