SB 562 – SNAP and a Starving Job Market in WV

       SNAP, or the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, is a serious safety net that many West Virginia families depend on, and another that is in danger in the 2024 Legislative Session. In a state with notoriously low-wage jobs, legislators feel that mandating work and job training in order to receive SNAP is a motivator for thousands of families who are struggling to keep food on their table

       SB 562 would make optional work and job training mandatory in order to receive food. WV already tested this model in a 2016 Pilot Program. The model not only FAILED to increase employment (it’s base goal) but it increased hunger across the state.

       People can’t be prepared to find paying jobs that don’t actually exist…

       Contact your Senators and say “NO” to SB 562.